Taylor was alone in the house. She usually enjoyed staying home alone, but tonight was different. Taylor could hear a soft voice calling her from the attic. She could barely hear it, but Taylor could hear it! Then all of a sudden it started getting louder! Taylor was wondering, "What could it be?" Taylor was upset, so she yelled, "WHAT!!!" Then it said, "Come in the attic."
Taylor knew she could not go in the attic. Then it said again, "Come in the attic." But as you know, Taylor knew she was not allowed to go in the attic. Then - suddenly! - the door opened. She looked inside. All she saw was cobwebs. Then she walked inside.
She wondered why her mom and dad told her not to go in the attic. Taylor heard some noise. She saw something. She heard some laughing. She saw blood. A vampire said softly, "Come and join me!" Taylor said, "No!" The vampire replied, "Oh . . . do you have some red Powerade?" Taylor said in a creeped out voice, "Y-e-e-s, why do you ask?" He said, "My name is Apple Seed Dracula." Taylor asked him, "S-o-o-o-o, you know Count Dracula?" Apple said, "Yes, he is my father. He named me Apple because I did not bite him like other vampires." So Taylor gave him some red Powerade and watched as it trickled from the corners of his mouth and fangs.
She knew she would never drink red Powerade again!
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