Since his buddies and cronies in the mainstream media felt it would be "funny" to attack a man who was trying to live out what used to be the American dream, Barack Hussein Obama thought it would be a good idea to make fun of this man and John McCain, too, for supporting him. Here is a video clip of Obama attacking Joe the plumber:
It is a sad commentary on America if a politician running for the Presidency of the United States is laughed at for wanting to support an average American man who is only wishing to follow his dreams. How said, indeed.
It is my opinion that this strategy will backfire and be the undoing of Barack Hussein Obama's drive for the Presidency. The elitism and disdain for the average working Americans are there for all to see. Joe the plumber will be to Obama in 2008 what the Swift Boat Veterans were for John Kerry in 2004.
Americans are tired of being called racist if they do not support Obama. Those who are making this false charge are the ones who are the true racists. Unfortunately, this negative attitude has filtered down into the schools across the country. Here is a video of a 12 year old 7th grade girl who has been accused of being a racist for her suppport of John McCain and Sarah Palin:
When it comes right down to it, the truth is hard to fight against. The truth has nothing to hide. The same cannot be said for Barack Hussein Obama.
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