1 The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims His handiwork.
2 Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge.
This past week the heavens were screaming their delight in the magnificence of God's presence as we were treated to yet another of the annual Perseids meteor shower. In case you were unaware, the Perseids just may be the most famous of all meteor showers. They never fail to provide a breathtaking, impressive display that fills the heart with the wonder and glory of God and His exquisite creation! Since they arrive each year in the summertime in the northern hemisphere, most people in that part of the world are able to enjoy them.
The Perseids have been observed as a phenomenon as long ago as 36 AD when the Chinese first recorded their occurrence, but it was not until 1862 during the Lincoln administration and the War Between the States that Comet Swift-Tuttle was discovered to be the source of this annual delightful display.
I do not go camping too often, but when I do it inevitably falls during the August Perseid showers. This past Monday night was no exception as I took my three youngest boys camping for the very first time. As it turned out, it was also no exception that we were treated to this astounding, visual spectacle. I awoke my kids shortly before the stroke of 2:00 AM following the setting of the moon in the west, and they and I all agree and attest that it seemed to us as if God was performing solely for our benefit alone as we lay there enveloped under the gorgeous canopy of stars. And since it was the first time they were able to experience such a wonderful demonstration, having never seen before the “stars falling from the sky,” it made it all even more special and enjoyable. As the song of the crickets, the katydids, the tree frogs and the bullfrogs, along with the coyotes in the distance echoed in chorus around us, it seemed they were all proclaiming their own intimate knowledge of the One Who made it all! If only all of mankind would be so wise and discerning as well!
If you can, please take advantage of the joys and marvels of God’s wondrous creation for yourself, and be drawn closer to the Lord in meditation and prayer. Trust me, it will be well worth a little lost sleep!
May the Lord bless you!
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