During the Presidential campaign of 2004, Swift Boat Veterans of the Vietnam War and POWs for Truth ran a series of ads debunking the claims and false charges made by John Kerry in which he stated repeatedly that he had witnessed them committing “war crimes” while on duty in that war-torn country decades ago. Although Kerry stated on numerous times that he was going to prove the Swift Boat Veterans wrong, never was he or the mainstream media ever able to refute any of the allegations made by the Swift Boat Veterans. What is so sad about this is that the Democrats, along with the help of their friends and cohorts in the mainstream media, have been able to “call evil good and good evil.” Although the Swift Boat Veterans were speaking the truth, while Kerry told lies as an expedient for getting his party’s nomination, the Democrats and mainstream media have successfully invented a new term, “swiftboating,” and introduced it into the election campaign lexicon, denoting one who is being attacked by an untruth. But the fact of the matter is that when this term is used to denounce an individual speaking out against a Democrat seeking office, you can take it to the bank that what was just said was true. Such is the case with Democrat Presidential hopeful Barack Hussein Obama whom party strategists are now claiming has been "swiftboated" regarding his voting record as State Senator from Illinois.
While chairman of an Illinois State Senate committee in 2003, Obama voted down a bill which would have protected survivors of attempted abortions, even after the panel had amended the bill to contain language that was copied verbatim from a federal bill passed by Congress without objection in 2002. Is this the man we should elect President of the United States, a man who when asked recently as to when did a baby get human rights, responded by saying that it was “above my pay scale” to answer that question? It would seem to me to be fair to ask this would-be leader of our nation the following questions: Senator Obama, at what point were your daughters granted human rights? Senator Obama, if it is above your pay scale to determine when a baby has human rights, then what right do you have voting against a bill which would have provided protection to those innocent babies who have survived attempted murder at the hands of abortionists, if you have no idea at one point they have human rights?
Here is what Obama had to say about this bill:
"I mean, it – it would essentially bar abortions, because the equal protection clause does not allow somebody to kill a child, and if this is a child, then this would be an antiabortion statute. For that purpose, I think it would probably be found unconstitutional."
A pro-choice lobbyist who wished to remain anonymous had this to say about Obama:
“I read about that months ago, and posted it everywhere, but no one seemed to believe it (even though they could have looked it up themselves). I think this is the most disgusting thing I have ever heard (and I have always been pro choice). The reason this bill was brought up in the first place was because a nurse in a neonatal unit found these babies in a dirty linen closet left there to die. This was a hospital with a high level neonatal unit and they were fully equipped to save these babies, but because the mothers were aborting them and they had survived they were left to die. How sickening is that??”
It was and is quite sickening, just as it was and is quite telling (and sickening) to see Democratic strategist Bob Beckel on Hannity and Colmes last week reacting to and defending Obama when this story finally "broke" became “news,” even though it is over half of a decade old. This is what Beckel had to say: “Are you suggesting Barack Obama wants babies to die?” (Yes, Bob, that is EXACTLY what Obama wanted to happen.) “I've never thought the Republicans would go this far.” (Why is that, Bob? Republicans should not go so far as to tell the truth about your party’s choice of Presidential candidate?) “This is about as low as you can go!" (Which is it, Bob: Telling the truth is about as low as you can go, or trying to defend the rights of the most defenseless among us is about as low as you can go?)
Yes, all of this is most certainly true. Barack Hussein Obama was the only member of the Illinois Senate to speak against a bill that would have granted legal protection, human rights, to already-born babies still alive after a failed and botched abortion, babies that are above Obama’s pay scale to determine if they are, indeed, entitled to human rights. He used his power to prevent those innocent babies from having the best chance to survive, and he refused to even listen to a nurse describe how she cradled these little innocent babies in her arms (Jill Stanek of Chicago's Christ Hospital). The evidence speaks for itself. This man has no business leading our nation.
If the people of the United States of America choose to vote into office this man as their President, a man who will not answer the question as to what point a baby is entitled to have human rights, a man who does not even believe a baby who survived an abortion is entitled to medical care, is not a country worthy of receiving any more of God’s blessings.
Jesus is voting for Obama.
I really enjoyed your article titled “ Calling Evil Good: Obama and His Support of Infanticide?” You are so right! I am very concerned about the direction our nation is headed. I truly feel we are rapidly heading into the last days. Only 20 years ago we would have never believed we would have a man with the back ground of Barack Hussein Obama as a serious contestant for the presidency of this nation. To select a man that can blatantly call evil Good and Good evil just shows the great deception that Satan has perpetrated on our world. My uppermost desire is to reach as many lost people as possible with the message of Jesus Christ who alone can snatch them from the Fires of Hell.
Keep putting out the truth. the program below is my contribution to reach the lost. May God bless all you do to reach the Lost. God Loves them all they are just deceived by Satan’s great deception.
Dustan Soul Adventures, “Only the Facts”. Is a Multimedia,
Interactive, Adventure, that explains how you can be saved in an easy to understand format. You can copy this program and give it to your friends.
Jesus voting for Obama would not suprise me with the fraudelent antics of ACORN taking place around the country. After all, they also managed to register Mickey Mouse!
But I cannot see our Lord endorsing any candidate who supported the murder of the most innocent of all, babies.
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