“I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her Offspring; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel. I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children. Your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you.” (Genesis 3:15-16)
Have you heard any good news lately? Couldn’t we all use some good news? If the media you are watching or listening to isn't helping, then there is a remedy, and that remedy is turning simply to God's Word. It has a consistent message of good news to those who take the time to read it, even from the very beginning when the first sin was committed by the first couple, for God promised Eve that it would be through her that the Promised Offspring would come to bruise the head of the serpent who had brought sin into the world through his deception and lying to Eve (Genesis 3:15).
The Lord had promised . . . what an encouraging thought! It was not going to be all punishment for her. “My Offspring will overturn the work of this serpent,” Eve thought to herself. And it was at that very moment Eve’s hope was born.
This promise of an Offspring was repeated to Abraham. Paul writes, “Now to Abraham were the promises spoken, and to his Seed. He did not say, ‘And to seeds,’ as of many; but as of One, and to your Seed, Who is Christ” (Galatians 3:16). God so loved the world that He gave His only Son Jesus to die for our sins (John 3:16), that we may be forgiven and receive the free gift of eternal life (Matthew 19:29).
Thank God for our mothers. Without our mothers we would never have been given the opportunity to have eternal life. By the gift of the grace of God men and women everywhere can come to Him for salvation through our obedient faith, for we are saved by grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8), and it was only by the grace of God that God held out that hope to Eve way back in the Garden of Eden.
Through the grace of God there is hope for mankind of returning to that Edenic paradise that has been lost due to our sin, of once again walking with God in the cool of the day. Our hope is founded in the Offspring of the woman, Jesus the Christ. Without Him, we would remain forever lost. No man comes to the Father but through this Promised Seed (John 14:6). It is in Him that we all must live, and in Him we must raise our children. He is the greatest gift ever given to mothers, the greatest gift ever given to any of us. Jesus has come, and He is coming again.
May the Lord bless you, especially all of you mothers on this your special day!
Have you heard any good news lately? Couldn’t we all use some good news? If the media you are watching or listening to isn't helping, then there is a remedy, and that remedy is turning simply to God's Word. It has a consistent message of good news to those who take the time to read it, even from the very beginning when the first sin was committed by the first couple, for God promised Eve that it would be through her that the Promised Offspring would come to bruise the head of the serpent who had brought sin into the world through his deception and lying to Eve (Genesis 3:15).
The Lord had promised . . . what an encouraging thought! It was not going to be all punishment for her. “My Offspring will overturn the work of this serpent,” Eve thought to herself. And it was at that very moment Eve’s hope was born.
This promise of an Offspring was repeated to Abraham. Paul writes, “Now to Abraham were the promises spoken, and to his Seed. He did not say, ‘And to seeds,’ as of many; but as of One, and to your Seed, Who is Christ” (Galatians 3:16). God so loved the world that He gave His only Son Jesus to die for our sins (John 3:16), that we may be forgiven and receive the free gift of eternal life (Matthew 19:29).
Thank God for our mothers. Without our mothers we would never have been given the opportunity to have eternal life. By the gift of the grace of God men and women everywhere can come to Him for salvation through our obedient faith, for we are saved by grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8), and it was only by the grace of God that God held out that hope to Eve way back in the Garden of Eden.
Through the grace of God there is hope for mankind of returning to that Edenic paradise that has been lost due to our sin, of once again walking with God in the cool of the day. Our hope is founded in the Offspring of the woman, Jesus the Christ. Without Him, we would remain forever lost. No man comes to the Father but through this Promised Seed (John 14:6). It is in Him that we all must live, and in Him we must raise our children. He is the greatest gift ever given to mothers, the greatest gift ever given to any of us. Jesus has come, and He is coming again.
May the Lord bless you, especially all of you mothers on this your special day!
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