As I wrote earlier this week, Sarah Palin is the left's biggest nightmare, and it has only gotten worse after seeing this woman who has been nicknamed "the Barracuda" in action. She is a mother with a lovely family who embodies the Conservative Republican message of God, family and country. She is what the feminists have always said they wanted, but because she is a Conservative woman who is pretty and has a winning smile, but more than that, she has brains and a good track record of personal and professional success to boot who got where she is without their assistance, they despise her. Add to that the fact that she is a Conservative woman who is passionate about the right to life (isn't it ironic how those who claim they are for a woman's right to choose only support that right to choose if it means taking the life of a baby from its mother's womb, and decry the choice made by mothers who choose to be pro-life?), their despising of her turns to hatred as has been demonstrated by so many on the left who have done their utmost to destroy this woman and her family, particularly her 17 year old daughter, Bristol, these last few days. And accompany this with the fact that she is member of the NRA and a proud and unashamed supporter of the Second Amendment, which is in the Constitution, by the way, then the vitriolic from the left is manifested fully. This woman just must be stopped!
Palin had to have scored major points this evening with women voters as she stated she would be the voice in the White House for families with special needs children. What better spokesperson would there be than the mother of a Downs Syndrome baby herself?
John McCain's selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate, and his willingness to stand by her in the face of the media frenzy and maelstrom that followed, are galvanizing the Republican Conservative base behind him as nothing I have seen or imagined could do. He may have had his initial doubts in wanting to select her, but I do not care. The bottom line is when push came to shove, he made the right choice. As far as I am concerned, Sarah Palin was not the only candidate scoring a hat trick. John McCain did with his selection of Sarah Palin.
Sarah was fantastic. The "Thrilla from Wasilla"!
Sarah Palin didn't just hit a home run - she hit a grand slam! I was expecting Palin to just introduce herself to the nation. She did that and so much more. Her 'left' jabs were were 'right' on target.
I got goosebumps watching her speech. She is amazing!!!
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