Friday, July 25, 2008

VBS 2008: A Huge Success!

I have not posted anything new here in a few days, although I did add a bit to my article Is God A Baseball Fan? I Believe He Is! I hope you will take time to read it again. I also added a new slide show presentation from our just concluded 2008 Vacation Bible School. Additionally, I have been working at upgrading our church's website each day with updates from our VBS. These can be accessed by clicking on
By any standard of measurement, our Vacation Bible School this year has been a tremendous success. We have more than exceeded our goal of having 35 kids participate. By the time all was said and done, we had 47 kids be a part of our Vacation Bible School.
Everyone who has been a part of this outreach program needs to be commended. One of our deacons and his wife did an outstanding job organizing the event, those who brought in refreshments and stayed to lend a hand serving were very helpful and instrumental in achieving our goals, and the teachers and their assistants all worked very well together in doing a fantastic job of instructing their classes! One of our elders did a great job at the cookout Thursday evening, and the food was enjoyed immensely. I am also happy to report that all of our elders attended the VBS, which speaks highly of them and their duties of overseeing the flock. In fact, two of the elders were there with their wives every day of our VBS, and they need to be commended for that. All of the kids have learned much, and the joy in their hearts was manifested in the smiles upon their faces and the jubilant sound of their exuberant singing! We have no idea just how much good was accomplished, or how much fruit will be produced, but I would like to share with you all a story from this past week that may be indicative of good things to come.
As a tie-in to our Vacation Bible School theme of service to others, the children brought in items from their own homes each day to give to the Shults-Lewis Children’s Home. One of these little boys, who is a neighbor of some of our members and who only recently began attending our assemblies with them due to their befriending and inviting him, also participated in our VBS each night. On Tuesday evening, this young boy was seen proudly carrying in a great, big bag full of items to give to the home that his mother had given him to bring in. And was he ever so pleased to do it! As far as I know, this boy’s mother has not ever attended any of our assemblies. But it seems to me that something has moved her to do this. Is it possible that she is seeing in our efforts that we are trying to be a “ . . . light of the world . . . before men”? Is she seeing our “ . . . good works . . .” that “ . . . glorify your Father Who is in Heaven” (Matthew 5:14-16)? Has she been exposed to the word of God through her son, and seen in him the joy he has experienced by being around those who are in Christ and living each day for Him, and seeing first hand “ . . . the peace of God, which passes all understanding . . . ” (Philippians 4:6)? I may not be able to state it unequivocally as being so, but it seems to me that our efforts have made a difference in her life, which in turn is going to make a difference in the lives of others through her generosity. What I do know, though, is had we not put forth this effort to hold our Vacation Bible School this outpouring of generosity would not have taken place. We now need to have faith that the Lord will bless not only us, but all the parents who have helped make this such a wonderful VBS. As Jesus is quoted as saying in Acts 20:35, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
Thank you all so much!
May the Lord bless you!


Anonymous said...

Dear David,

It was a real pleasure reading about your VBS and viewing the slide shows. Your love for the kids and your love and excitement for the LORD shines through! May God bless all those who had a part in making it such a success and may He bless your efforts to His glory.

David R. Ferguson said...

Thank you very much, Patti! It is a pleasure getting to hear from you.
