Sunday, June 22, 2008

As Evening Falls

Daylight fades as the sun has set
Twilight still is lingering yet.
See the colors up in the sky
Who put them up there, tell me why?
Now the day darkens toward night,
Still there is a beautiful sight.
Twinkling stars one by one appear
Making God's presence seem so near.
Light from the stars, the moon and sun
Made for us by God's Holy One!
All creation gives Him glory!
As we sing love's greatest story.
From whence came this blessed treasure
Piercing heart and soul with pleasure?
God Almighty did it for us!
Won't you join our happy chorus?
Flee the one who tries to seize us.
Give your life and all to Jesus!
He said we could all receive Him,
If we trust and will believe Him.
He will save us if we obey.
Will you not come to Him today?
You can have your sins washed away.
Be immersed into Him today!
--An original poem written by Daniel and David Ferguson. This came to us as we were driving down the highway one frigid, January evening. The sun was setting, and one by one the stars made their appearance in the cold, winter sky above us. The words seemed to come of their own accord.


Marie T. Dozier said...

This is so wonderful!!! You and Daniel have some real talent! What a fun car ride!

David R. Ferguson said...

Thank you, and it was a very enjoyable ride!